Overview of the site
The software owned by Olanto are distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (link is external), or AGPL v3.
Olanto develops and distributes various CAT tools according to the following list:
Product | Desc | Demo | Source |
myCAT | concordancer, i.e. a full-text search engine | Demo | . @github |
myCLASS Documentation | Automatic documents classifier | Dowload | . @github |
myPREP | a text aligner software | . @github | |
myMT | an automatic translation tool | Demo | . @github |
myTerm | A terminology manager based on TBX format | User: demo Password:demo Demo | . @github |
How2Say | ngrams extractor from parallel corpora | Demo | . @github |
Education Documentation|pre-installed CAT Tools|Dowload|. @github