Education is a pre-installed version of myCAT and myTerm.
Education is a pre-installed version of myCAT and myTerm.
Overview of the site
The software owned by Olanto are distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (link is external), or AGPL v3.
Olanto develops and distributes various CAT tools according to the following list:
myCAT is a concordancer, i.e. a full-text search engine which, in addition to showing the relevant documents, also shows their translation (if they were previously translated) and automatically aligns the source and target language versions on the occurrences of the terms which is being searched.
MyCLASS is an automatic document classifier.
myPREP is a text aligner software, a tool which makes possible to automatically align two by two the documents in a multilingual corpus. The outcome of the alignment is a translation memory in TMX format. The alignment is done at the sentence level.
myTerm is a a Terminology Database Management System based on the TBX-Basic schema